Being in Cambodia feels so good and right. The people in here are so loving and caring and at the same time kids are starving of love. We went to visit an orphanage called Hayley's house on July 19, 2011. We seen the kids from the place in church on Sundays. The first Sunday we were at church, two girls named Sreynayt & Mary came and was holding on to my hand, while I was talking to all the kids or just holding them, these girls always stood with me and kept on holding my hand. When we visited the orphanage we pulled in and these girls ran to me and just held me. They never let me go during the whole visit. I am so moved by the love they have shown me and I would love to adopt these two sweet kids. Every time I go to the orphanage they always come and stay with me. I dont know what they see in me, but all I want to share God's love to them and love them with everything I have. I will gladly give away everything I have and move back here and be with the kids if it's God's will. Being with those kids made me understand that we as human beings need love to survive. If we genuinely love each other this world will be a better place and there would not be any orphans anywhere. I put on my Facebook that I want to adopt the kids and one of the pastors I know commented on that with bible verse from James 1:27, which says; "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." That really touched my heart because as Christians we are suppose to care for orphans and widows, but most of would not do it. We are afraid of what our culture will say, what our family and friends will say. I know I came to love these kids, and if its God's will I would love to adopt them and show them the love of Christ.
I thank God everyday that He gave me the grace to sent me here so I can experience this. I know without being here I would not have experienced this at all.
I thank God everyday that He gave me the grace to sent me here so I can experience this. I know without being here I would not have experienced this at all.
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