Monday, July 25, 2011

Loving kids from Hayley's House

Being in Cambodia feels so good and right. The people in here are so loving and caring and at the same time kids are starving of love. We went to visit an orphanage called Hayley's house on July 19, 2011. We seen the kids from the place in church on Sundays. The first Sunday we were at church, two girls named Sreynayt & Mary came and was holding on to my hand, while I was talking to all the kids or just holding them, these girls always stood with me and kept on holding my hand. When we visited the orphanage we pulled in and these girls ran to me and just held me. They never let me go during the whole visit. I am so moved by the love they have shown me and I would love to adopt these two sweet kids. Every time I go to the orphanage they always come and stay with me. I dont know what they see in me, but all I want to share God's love to them and love them with everything I have. I will gladly give away everything I have and move back here and be with the kids if it's God's will. Being with those kids made me understand that we as human beings need love to survive. If we genuinely love each other this world will be a better place and there would not be any orphans anywhere. I put on my Facebook that I want to adopt the kids and one of the pastors I know commented on that with bible verse from James 1:27, which says; "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." That really touched my heart because as Christians we are suppose to care for orphans and widows, but most of would not do it. We are afraid of what our culture will say, what our family and friends will say. I know I came to love these kids, and if its God's will I would love to adopt them and show them the love of Christ.
       I thank God everyday that He gave me the grace to sent me here so I can experience this. I know without being here I would not have experienced this at all.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Hey everyone, I know I have not sent a update at all, just getting things done and being busy with it.  I got her e safe and sound by God’s grace. We are staying at yearlong teacher’s houses and short distance to the school work. Being here reminds me a lot of God’s love for all of us because every single person I met here are so helpful and so nice whether they speak English or not. For the first week we just observed the classrooms and helped out the Canadian team that was here already. I helped out in the bible class and it was a wonderful experience. The joy the students have was really wonderful to see. The Canadian team started an outreach program for the neighborhood kids to teach them conversational English. The first time we were helping them there were over 90 kids from the neighborhood kids to learn English and to swim in the swimming pool. These kids don’t know English at all but they are such a joy to teach, even though sometimes I felt I am not doing anything worthwhile, a smile from a kid I was teaching make it worthwhile. The second week the team I came with and the Canadian Team shared the classes. I thought Math on Tuesday and Thursdays and two people from the other team thought science on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We are visiting other ministries in the area and helping out if we can. Last week we went to another school and thought about 3 classes. I met two high school kids named Petra and John and I got to pray with them because they are learning about God and want to be Christians. I ask you guys to keep them in your prayer. This week I am teaching Math and Computers. I ask you guys to keep me and the team  in your prayer as we head to the last couple of weeks here. I will send out another letter/email in about 2 weeks as we leave from here.

In Christ’s Name
Justin  K Joshuva

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Training and Cambodia

The one week of training was really good, God really worked in my heart. It was mentally tough because it starts at 8 in the morning ends at 9 in the night. Met some amazing people and got to meet and get to know my teammates. We had team devotions and through that I believe we all grew stronger. We left to Cambodia on June 28,2011 at 1:35 from LAX. The group that was going to Vietnam was with us so we had fun with them. Our group and them separated at Tapei, Taiwan. We landed in Phnom Penh, Cambodia around 11 Local time. we had an interesting time to get our visas. The girls all went and stood in the line to get visa and I was filling out my forms to take it there, and a Cambodian official came to me and got my information and payment and told me to wait there, and he just gave me visa, which was interesting. I stepped out of the airport and my thought was am I back in Kerala right now? The environment was so similar. We got to the guest house we were staying at and Dan who picked up at airport took us to one of popular market place called Russian Market and we had our 1st food there, Pork n Rice.  We walked around the market to see the place. The next day we went to the school we are teaching at and we observed the other team that was there already. We just did that for the rest of the week and on weekend we just relaxed. The next week the Canada team and we shared the teaching responsibilities. I thought my 1st math class on Tuesday and again on Thursday. This weekend was okay, on Friday we went to another city for the beach, it was not my favorite thing to do, but everybody else in the team wanted to do it so I went along with it. we came home Saturday night. Sunday morning we went to church we went to last week. It was a very good service. well thats all for now.. until next time.   

Sunday, July 3, 2011


It's almost two weeks since I left home and lot of things happened since then. Since June 18, 2011 I was travelling. Started with going to Nashville airport in the morning to pick up grandpa, Bijoy, Pr. K.A Thomas, and others who went to India. When I got there and picked them up, it turns out other than 2 luggage no others came. After doing the baggage claim, we all went to eat at Sitar restaurant and came back to pick up two more baggage. Came home about 5:30 and went to fix Vijay's computer. I did that for close to 2 hours and rushed home to pick my luggage. We left home around 11 P.M June 18, 2011. Got to Atlanta airport about 1 A.M on June 19, 2011. Met some good people at the airport from primerica and a couple was going to Fresno, California. I got thru security check and everything and boarded flight to Charlotte, SC.  I had a lay over in SC for a hour and boarded the flight to California. For some reason, the flight to California felt like I am going to India because it was so loong. I got to LAX and collected my baggage and got on my shuttle. I met 3 girls who were going to the same place. It was amazing to see how God has worked in all our lives to bring us to training and to different countries.
God has blessed us and allowed us  to be here and just enjoy each other and God's presence. I will add more later. Signing out now.